Using Feng Shui to Balance the Effect of Winter

Winter always seems to say…quiet down, rest, and go inward, deep, deeper. Examine the strength and mystery within yourself. It’s time now to refrain from the frantic, rush, rush, rush and assess what is really important! Prioritize and get on tract.

In Feng Shui energy talk, the Water element signified by the color black or dark blue is at its zenith. The Water element is also known as the winter element since it is so prevalent during this time. Its direction is north. This is a yin element and the number associated with it is the number one (1). Objects that represent water include aquariums and fountains. Animals belonging to this element are the rat and the boar.

The winter months push us humans together. We occupy the same space as before, just a little more closely than before. Our interior space becomes even more ‘energy’ important as we are challenged to share that space and energy.
This is an opportune time to critically survey the space that the family will share. Make certain that all the Feng Shui 101 basics have been accomplished. Clean and polish that space! (A complete and thorough housecleaning and straightening with ruthless editing of items is absolutely necessary if energy is to flow in an auspicious manner)

This month the five elements are in the following configuration:
Fire is weakest energy (Extreme Yang energy)
Water is the strongest energy (Extreme Yin energy)
Metal is a waning/weak energy (Yin energy)
Wood energy is born (Yang energy)
Earth energy is strong (Yin energy)

The emotional elements of the water element, which is very strong right now, is that of willpower, magnetism, sensitivity, wisdom, persuasiveness and the ability to focus the mind. It assists in consolidation, revelation and knowledge and its archetype is the philosopher. The associated planet is Mercury.

If water is your nourishing element and you do not have a good balance in your Feng Shui assessment, bring water elements into your environment. Since the water element is VERY strong right now, don’t overdo a good thing! Add a fishbowl, aquarium, irregular shaped glass coffee table, artwork whose predominate color is dark blue or black. If you have TOO much water, then balance your environment with the energies that will stabilize and balance the water energy. Fire elements: candles, red triangular shaped object, reds, pinks, oranges in fabrics/ tablecloths, light up that fireplace!

The fire energy and element are at their weakest now, so using Fire energy suggestions are an excellent thing to include in your environment. You are bringing in and balancing what nature is taking away, thus creating a more harmonious and flowing energy pattern.

Another energy that will soak up some of that water energy is the Wood element. To add wood to your environment bring in a live plant or two (Some of my plants come inside this time of year) Polish up a forgotten wood piece in the attic or basement, use striped fabric or fabric with a floral design. Wood sculptures, wooden frames on pictures/photos or use wood colors. The archetype for wood is the pioneer (makes sense, doesn’t it!) The associated planet is Jupiter.

Another element that will help to balance all that water is the earth element. Get out your pottery, concrete/brick type of ornaments, if you have brass objects use them to balance the water element. Ceramic tile, ceramic drawer pulls, carved stone sculptures and fabric in earth tones will work wonders in balancing the water energy. The archetype for the earth element is the peacemaker. The associate planet is Saturn.

I personally have a close association with the water element. I have worked diligently to bring my environment into balance. Powerful water has been an issue here at my old historic home. There is no basement ….In the 1800’s,( my house dates back to 1804) land was settled where water and animal life were plentiful. I have spent 26 years here. The gardens and surrounding shrubs and trees have been added to balance all the water that exists here. In my seasonal table articles I reference that the dining room in is the North, a water element direction, so a large wood table and wood chairs were selected for that space. The brick floor was selected, a large stone fireplace was selected. Wood built-in bookcases were selected. Wood corner cabinets and side tables were selected in order to balance the extreme and powerful force of the water element. The color, green, associated with wood was selected as a wall color. On the exterior, an additional garden was added with wood arbor, gate and fencing. Stone walkways meander through the space.

Are you getting a true picture of how much water I have had to balance? If you could have seen the geyser shooting out of the fire pit, perhaps you’d begin to understand the power of water.

From time to time the water finds a tiny crack or crevice that wasn’t recently caulked and finds a way to let me know that the willful, persuasive force of the North is still present. I stand in awe and appreciation of the Water element and its energy!!

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