Enchanting Powers Of The Stones

The magic attributes of the Stones were valued by humans from the early days of civilization. From the ancient tales and poems, the knowledge was spread about the enchanting powers of the Alatir Stone. It's been said that this unique Stone has the power to cure any disease and give you the immortality. Alatir is considered to be the centre point for all the knowledge and is playing the intermediary part between humans and the Higher Powers of Universe. The powers of Alatir can't be understood by the present limited human consciousness. It's been said: "no one could understand this Stone, and no one could lift it off the earth."

According to the ancient popular belief, every Stone has it's own unique power. The meaning of the ancient Russian word "stone" if read by symbols and by the names of the letters in Russian alphabet is "the rising power of the thought is affecting our future."

It is a profound delusion to think that the Stones don't have a soul. All Stones are the living elements as their material and field structure remembers what has happened in the past and what would happen in the future. From this point of view, the Earth is the biggest Stone wrapped up in energy information streams which were creating life on Earth billions of years ago. The Earth is the richest energy structure taking the energy flow coming from Cosmos and emanating it on the surface where we humans live.

Today we are all familiar with Geopathic stress - the natural phenomenon which affects certain places and can be damaging to our health. But how many of you know that our ancestors use to place special upright Stones called Mengiry where the energy information streams have merged? If there wasn't a Stone placed there, the area was regarded as the God-forsaken. In China this would be called "dragon tooth" where based on Russian letters transcription "drag" – means fire of the memory of each living being and "on" – the unity of male and female energy, Yin and Yang.

The hungry human's mind needs answers, the questions spring up in our heads quicker than any kind of solution. The human mind is afraid, and for that one goes to the Stone to calm this restlessness. When near to the Stone one finds this essential peace of mind so longed for and the special thoughts are beginning to arise. These thoughts are all about the need to preserve the stability of the human form, which was given to us by mother Earth. The characteristics of the Stone will pass onto you through the thinking process when you meditate. In the past our ancestors would stand on the Stone buried in the ground before they would announce any important decisions which were considered to be as solid as the Stone.

The Stone is not just taking the invisible energies in, transforming them, amplifying or decreasing, it is also emanating them into the Universe. That is why our ancestors were careful when choosing the location to build their houses.

For instance, the house wouldn't be build where a washing house was before as it was the place where all the human's dirt would be drain into the earth, or if the previous house was destroyed by lightning, or left because of the frequent deaths and misfortunes.

There are also geopathic zones that are the sections formed by tectonic tension in the earth crust. These are called Power places. This is where the unique Stone was often found and people inhabited the area.

People would have used the enchanting powers of the Stones, if it was really necessarily, for suppression and elimination of the evil spirits. Quite often spellbound Stones would be located on the sharp bends of the roads where most accidents would happened. The Stone was safeguarding.

As is well known from the old stories about "talking Stones" where fortune-telling has been told, where on the special days people would gather together to Listen and Honour it. Whether it was an ordinary or well-versed person wanting to find out the will of the God, the Stone would have had answers for everyone. The simple ritual involved the reading of the special charm or praise, asking the question or requesting, then have to press one's ear to the Stone and try to hear an answer. Just listen. The outcome was considered favourable if a rustle had been heard under the Stone.

There were other ways of Magical Art involving the use of the Sacred Stones. People are still discovering astonishing spiral maizes made up from these special Stones in the north of Russia. These Spirals are the WAY leading WITHIN, the WAY leading to YOURSELF, the WAY to realization of REAL Essence of Existence, from OUTER to INNER, from FORM to SOURCE.

The research about the nature of the ancient stones has just begun, but you can already come into contact with nature, with all the elements and the Stone in order to blend harmoniously with the Universe.

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