Money Plant Tree - The Easy Way To Attract Wealth

In case you are looking for a simple way to attract more wealth and money into your life, start by obtaining a money plant tree. This attractive indoor plant is often used as a feng shui tool to assist with finances. The way it looks has special significance and is great in any area of a home or business. It also goes by its botanical name 'pachira acquatica' and is generally not naturally shaped the way it is. This particular plant is a mixture of several plants with intertwined stems that look like they've been braided. It had been first created in the 1980's and grew in popularity internationally for its symbolism of the five elements in feng shui.

Many people have adopted this beautiful plant and used it for attracting money. You will find five leaves that branch out from each of the stems, they are said to represent the five elements wood, water, metal, earth and fire. The five leaves on each stem is meant to symbolize the elements in perfect harmony. This makes the money tree an ideal tool to implement for just about any part of your room or entire home containing unbalanced 'qi' or energy. Simply locate the area that needs help using a bagua map and place a money tree where it's needed.

The most effective places for a money tree are areas that have anything to do with money or wealth. For instance in the home, the preferred spot for this plant is near a safe deposit box. Businesses would benefit from having this plant near its cash register. A specific room in the home which may need a money tree is the home office. This is often where you conduct business so it definitely doesn't hurt to possess more money in this area. Money trees are wonderful gifts for anyone who's starting a new business.

These plants are relatively easy to care for. They can grow up to 7 inches and have an incredibly long lifespan. Regular watering and a bit of sunlight is all that is necessary to look after them. Direct sun exposure is bad, because it will dry out the leaves so keep them in areas with dim lighting. Water the money trees enough every time and let the soil dry out before watering again. Excessive water will cause the leaves to brown and fall off. Avoid misting the leaves directly as that causes the leaves to fall out as well. With the proper care and right location, these plants may be just what you'll need to generate the kind of success you have been hoping for.

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