What Is Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice. It is the art of placing and arranging matter and space in the correct manner such that harmony with the environment is achieved. This harmony can refer to the harmony in the home, in relationships, in wealth and many other aspects in our lives. The practice has been around for several thousands of years and is still practiced in China and many parts of the world up to this day.

The Main Points of Chinese Feng Shui
Chinese feng shui is actually quite complicated if you don't know how. This is because there are many different aspects that you will need to consider in order to determine if that will affect the feng shui. Some important elements in this ancient practice include water, air, fire and others.

The feng shui consultant or geomancer will decide on the appropriateness of the position of the objects or the spaces based on those elements. Of course not all objects can be shifted. In these cases, feng shui can be enhanced by placing a crystal or a bagua at the appropriate place in order to block, deflect or slow down the energies passing through the areas.

You may be interested to know that the Chinese feng shui started out as a method of looking for the right place to build a home and as a way to find the right place to bury the dead. When these believers of feng shui wish to buy a house, they will request a feng shui expert to help their architect or engineer in making feng shui based house plans.

The ideal house plans are said to be either square or rectangular, A narrow house does not bode well for those who live in it. Over the years, it gradually developed into a way of placing objects and assigning things in such a way that they harmonize with the environment and promote overall harmony and peace for the area.

Feng shui make use of the ideas from:

1. geomagnetism,
2. astronomy,
3. space and
4. weather

to determine the Qi of a place

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