Tool For Mapping Out Your Home For Feng Shui

The map bagua is an eight sided diagram specifically used to represent different aspects of a person's life. The nine sections, which includes the center portion, symbolize career, wisdom, family, wealth, fame, love, creativity, helpful people and health. Each section can also be paired with a color and the direction of the five elements are mapped out as well. This special feng shui tool is used to locate the areas of a home or an individual room of that home that are associated with the nine sections. As soon as you are able to locate the areas that require changing, you will be able to use simple decoration techniques to it in a way that can improve that aspect of your life.

To utilize a bagua, stand from the front door of your home facing in or from the entrance of a room. Hold the diagram out in front of you with the fame section facing the wall opposite you and then the career section directly before you. This shows that the doorway is a reflection of your career, the wall opposite represents your fame and reputation, and all the remaining seven sections of the bagua may be mapped out in a similar manner. Use this tool to uncover the colors and elements that correlate to the different parts of the given space.

Colors are are a simple fix for bad feng shui areas and can easily be used to effectively improve problem areas in your life. If for example, you are looking to attract love or to keep a healthy relationship with your current partner, locate the love corner in your room or your house using the bagua. You will notice on the diagram that the color pink is associated with the love corner. All you need to do is add a bit more pink in that area to enhance your love life. A similar technique may be applied to all other areas of your life, using the colors specified in the bagua.

Every one of the five elements can also be found on the bagua. The career section of the space, which is normally where the doorway is, represents the element water. The fame and reputation section is linked to fire. The children and creativity section is used to represent the metal element. The family section is associated with the wood element. The element earth is directly within the center of a room where the health section is located. Equipped with this information, it is possible for you to balance the energy of that room or the whole home by simply adding the missing elements.

The map bagua is quite a useful tool that's utilized by professional feng shui practitioners and novices alike. It's so easy to apply that it has been heavily adopted by most of the western world. Just use the steps above to generate a basic reading of the home and every room of the house. If you are looking for a more accurate and detailed reading, you should seek the services of a professional practitioner. They will use a feng shui compass to locate the exact direction of your house and then use that measurement to create a bagua map that is specific to your home.

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