Attract wealth with Feng Shui

A recent news article featured a man who had won over £175,000 on a William Hill jackpot game. Just ten months before he had won £95,000 on the same jackpot game. ‘Lucky guy' you might say but he put it down to implementing changes to his home after a Feng Shui consultation.

The purpose of this article is not to advocate gambling you understand. The purpose of this article is to consider how Feng Shui might improve your wealth and to offer some tips to get you started.

You've probably seen lots of things advertised that guarantee abundance: money trees, three legged toads and pyramids are just a few. But there's a huge difference between hanging up a charm hoping Lady Luck will notice you as she passes by and using Feng Shui intelligently to improve your life and let abundance in.

Feng Shui works by considering the energies of your home or workplace and how they interact with you as an individual. But it's not just about space. Timing is also important. Each one of us is living our own unique cycle. So, where you are in your life will have an effect on your interaction with your environment.

Confused? No need to be. Feng Shui is not complicated, just multi-faceted. Once you know the nature of the energies around and within you, the key is to live with those energies – enhancing the good ones and minimising the not so good ones. And a good Feng Shui consultant will be able to advise you on how to do this.

However, there are some general things that you can do to attract the good stuff:

* There are two wealth areas in your home or workplace that you need to be aware of. The first is the south east sector and the second is the top left area as viewed on a floor plan of your space with the main door at the bottom.
* Clear clutter from these areas. Clutter causes energy to stagnate which makes it thick, heavy and depressing. What self respecting wealth would want to turn up in such a place? Tidy things up and you make space for new energy and new opportunities.
* Keep the areas light. There are a number of ways you can do this: remove anything outside the window that is stopping the light coming in (such as overgrown trees or shrubs); clean the windows; change the curtains if necessary; if natural daylight is limited consider a permanent source of artificial light; use a light, bright colour scheme and furnishings.
* To stimulate the energy in this area use a wind chime, aquarium or plants.
* If using plants choose the traditional money tree/jade plant (crassula argentea) and keep it healthy.
* If using an aquarium keep goldfish. Their bright colours attract abundant energy. Have at least three fish and, if more, keep them in multiples of three. Keep the aquarium clean and the fish healthy.

Finally, you may be wondering what changes the guy who won the jackpots made which brings me to my final tip:

* Keep the toilet seat down and the bathroom door closed. This rule applies to bathrooms anywhere in the building but is especially important if the rooms are in the areas mentioned above. Energy is drained very quickly in the bathroom as water is flushed or washed away and you don't want to get rid of it before the magic has happened.

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Discover The Feng Shui

It is responsible for the success of your creative work and for the birth of babies. It can also help children. If you want to succeed in your creative expressions, discover new abilities, have a baby, bring good luck to the life of your child, or improve your relationship with your children, you should try to boost the energy of this particular sector.

To activate this sector, you can use the following objects: posters, paintings, collages, photographs, images of children, and children's drawings; artistic materials and tools (paint, applied arts); whimsical figurines and toys; objects in white and pastel shades; round, oval, and arched objects; objects made of bronze, steel, tin, silver, gold, aluminum, copper, etc.; quotes and sayings about posterity and creativity; homemade things, and pleasant memorable things from childhood.

For permanent activation of the feng shui Creativity and Children sector, you can place a metal piggy bank in this sector, and put coins in the piggy bank every once in a while. Another good symbol to use in this sector is a bell, which will bring joy and luck every time you ring it.

The following colors are preferable for the interior of this zone: white, golden, sand and silver. Use red in small amounts. In the interior, use metal shelves, frames or vases. You can also consider placing a round table or round chairs there. Another good idea is having plants with round or spherical leafs in this area.
This is the best area for creativity, where you can gain inspiration and success. Thus, try to engage in creative work particularly in this area of your home. Here, you can set up a work zone with all the necessary tools and materials. For instance, if you are an artist '" you can put brushes and paint, and hang one of your successful paintings on the wall.

One school of feng shui, called the Black Hat School also recommends the use of certain affirmations, which will help you quickly reach your goals, as they will direct your thoughts. This school works with thoughts, to make them come to life. Please find some good examples of statements (affirmations) below.

'œI express my creative abilities easily and happily. My creative ability develops freely. I am a talented and unique personality, one of a kind. My child is happy and safe. I happily support my child, helping them develop and express their abilities. I rely on my own wisdom and reveal my potential in all available ways. I am filled with sincere faith in my creative impulses and always give them the opportunity to come to life.'

You can think of any other statement that would fit your goals best, write it down and place it in the feng shui Creativity and Children sector. Prior to placing it in the sector, thoroughly read it and imagine that what's written, is reality, and then it will come to you.

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Landscaping Tips - How to Install an Outdoor Fountain in Your Garden Or Lawn

The soothing sounds of flowing water and its relaxing sight is such a delight to everyone. Adding outdoor fountains to your garden, whether indoor or outdoor, gives a more relaxing feel to your own space and adds up to the beauty that nature has to offer. These bamboo fountains can do the trick by lightening up your garden's ambience and setting the mood of your desire. Each has its own uniqueness to it, each showing a different perspective and personality.

Garden decorative items not only add beauty to our gardens but help with relaxation at the same time. Some prefer outdoor fountains with gigantic statues so it catches attention that is also the garden centerpiece. Others prefer simpler fountains since they just want the cool and comforting feeling water fountains bring. For simpler choices, people may prefer bamboo water fountains, since they have that simplistic style and feel and at the same time serve the purpose of being a tool for relaxation and recreation (and to others, entertainment).

If you think that outdoor fountains can be costly, you definitely have to think twice. These bamboo water fountains can be used with your old or favorite planter, outdoor vase, and so on. Turn your old container into a outdoor fountain and it will surely turn out as a masterpiece. Bamboo fountains come in different sizes and styles which will perfectly reflect your garden's theme and mood.

The Adjustable Water Spout with Pump Bamboo Fountain exhibits adjustable arms for the desired height. This classic bamboo fountain comes in 5 different sizes which will suit an outdoor or indoor garden. Its adjustable feature is perfect for those people who want to set and change the mood every now and then.

The Three-Arm Bamboo Water Spout with Pump is ideal for people who like indoor water fountains. This sleek water fountain can fit shallow containers and match your own personal space. It comes in 3 different sizes.

The Fine-Arm Water Fountain Spout and Pump Kit features make it perfect for those wonderful Zen gardens or for indoor spas. It has a wide, low spout which makes no noise at all, showcasing the water's soothing sound. This classy water fountain comes in 2 sizes.

The Classic Water Spout with Pump has a unique Japanese style and authentic caramel color, perfect for those who want an oriental feel. This classic fountain is perfect for indoor spaces.

The Sphere Figurine with Bamboo Base Water Fountain has a different style to it, having a sphere figurine made of stone rest on a sturdy bamboo base while still having that simplistic yet elegant style to it. This elegant water fountain comes in 2 different sizes.

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If a picture paints a thousand words what do your walls say about you?

If you were like me as a kid your bedroom wall would have been covered with posters and pictures. For me it was the Bay City Rollers, Jackson Five and, of course Donny Osmond. I guess you can work out my age now! For others a football team, pictures of friends or family.

As kids we put stuff on our walls that we wanted to look at. That allowed us to dream and imagine our future lives. Our pictures inspired us. We knew the value of an image and how it affects us on a subliminal level. But I often wonder if we lose that as we grow up.

Perhaps we adorn our walls now for different reasons: because we're trying to emulate somebody else, because we saw it in a magazine, because it was a present and we feel we should hang it up, because it matches the colour scheme or because the wall's bare without ‘something'.

Wherever we go we are inundated with images, so much that we have to block a lot of it out or our brains would frazzle. However, there are two places where images can have a deep effect on us, slowly seeping their message into our subconscious and you may not even know that it's happening. Those places are our home and our workplace.

So let's take a step back and think about images whether they are paintings, posters or any other artwork on display. They all visually represent something. It may be something that we recognise or it may be abstract where colour and shape dominate. Whatever is represented we will have a visual/mind reaction when we look at it. We'll like it, not like or couldn't really care less.

However, images have a much deeper effect on us and our choices of imagery in our homes and workplaces can be very telling. Once we understand this effect, we can use it to our advantage to make changes in our environments and, therefore, in our lives. This is a vital part of a Feng Shui consultation where images can exacerbate an issue and can often be used as cures.

Charge of the Light BrigadeWhat are you battling against?

This depicts a scene from the charge of the Light Brigade during the Battle of Balaclava in the Crimean War. It's a pretty rousing picture and would not look out of place in a traditional house, perhaps in a study. But it's a battle, it's war, people die and there's lots of blood. It is far from relaxing or inspirational.

If you're looking at this scene when you work you may find yourself battling with suppliers or fighting to get your customers to pay you. And if you've got it hanging in the bedroom well, I think you can work that one out.

Boat on a rough seaIs life a little choppy at the moment?

Here's a classic example of the type of picture you find on many board room or senior managers' walls. Now, I don't know about you, but if I'm dealing with any organisation I'd be concerned if I thought they were going through rough times like the boat is in this picture.

SolitudeDo you really want a relationship?

This is typical of an arty, atmospheric image. You would be amazed by people who are looking for a relationship, or can't seem to make relationships last that have this type of imagery in their lives. On the one hand they say they want to find somebody and settle down but their walls say ‘I want to be alone.'

Blue abstractRelax and take it easy

Even abstracts have similar effects. The fluid shape and blue tones here represent water. Water is very Yin and is about stillness, quiet and the feminine. So it will work well in areas where relaxation takes place.

Red abstractDon't even try to relax

However, this one is the complete opposite. The red makes it very Yang which is fiery, active and stimulating. Also the rectangular shapes represent a rising energy so put this in a place of relaxation and it will have the opposite effect.

Are you starting to look at your walls differently now? Any imagery you use should reflect what you want, what you aspire to. A typical Feng Shui type picture would be a mountain because it represents stability, security and support. However, there's a big difference between the foothills and the top of the mountain. So, if your mountain picture is in front of you, make sure it's showing the view from the top, unless you really want to stay stuck kicking your heels at the bottom.

Jackie Notman is a copywriter, feng shui consultant and e-commerce retailer. This article is from her blog ‘Life – and everything else' where you'll find an eclectic mix of articles and information.

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Feng Shui Money Trees

An ancient Chinese legend tells about a tree with gold coins on its branches: when it's shaken, gold coins fall to the ground like drops of rain.

A rain of gold coins is one of the favorite themes in Chinese art, which is often depicted in Chinese paintings. This money symbol works on the following principle: like attracts like, and money attracts money. The amulet can come in an array of options, including live plants, artificial commercial charms, and hand-made talismans. In this article, we will discuss and advise on each type.

Plants: In feng shui, money trees are plants with thick and fleshy leaves of a circular shape (the so-called succulents). To strengthen the talisman, attach coins and notes to the leaves, or put them in the pot. Avoid placing the plant next to cactuses, as this can lead to the following situation: the wealth is there, but it's complicated by problems that are as sharp as cactus spines.

Hand-Made: You can make this talisman with your own two hands. To do this, you need coins, banknotes, wire, play-dough, foil and a flower pot. Make holes in the coins, or use Chinese coins with holes. Make branches from wire and hang the coins and banknotes on them.

Having made a few branches, twist them together to make them look like a tree. The trunk can be wrapped with foil or painted with a gold or silver paint. Place the construction in a flowerpot and secure with play-dough. Your work and creative energy will definitely lead you to success.

There are many ways to create feng shui money trees with your own two hands. You can glue coins onto a photo of a tree (preferably a strong and beautiful one like oak or sycamore). You can sew banknotes (rolled in tubes and tied with red ribbons) onto tree-embroidered fabric. You can put a dragon in the branches, attach a motto on the trunk, or put three red lights at its base, etc. In Feng Shui, they traditionally place an image of an owl onto the tree - this symbol of wisdom will save you from wasteful investments.

Commercial: You can also find nice commercial items. A popular example is money trees that stand on gold bars, and have gold coins on their branches (the material can be anything, as long as it's painted in a gold color). Ancient feng shui texts refer to a tree that stands on a gold bar, which shows a dragon and phoenix. This symbol is more potent than the one in a pot. Another option is the tree that has its leaves made of precious stones, such as jade or carnelian. And finally, you can find the trees with peaches instead of coins. These give many years of happy life. A peach is a symbol of longevity, spring, love, and happy relationships. To find a soul-mate or improve your current relationship, put it in the southwest section of your room.

Placement: Whichever type of wealth symbol you choose, it needs to be placed properly. One of the popular areas is the southeast or northwest section of a living room
, or any other room in your home. Alternatively, the talisman can be placed near the home or office entrance.

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Outdoor Fountains - Turn Any Container Into an Exciting Fountain For Your Home Or Garden

When you think of water, what are the first words you use to describe it? Most would say tranquil or relaxing. Others would say water fountains sound like rain. These are the two most common words you hear to describe water.

If this is the case why don't more of us have these tranquil water fountains? Perhaps they are too expensive or too big for the area that we want to put them in. Well now there is a solution to this problem. These wonderful bamboo fountains will turn any of your pottery or vases into beautiful pieces of art. They are easy to use and most importantly they are inexpensive.

The exciting thing about these bamboo outdoor fountains is that they are all different shapes and sizes, so you have options to fit the perfect pot. Rather it is a tall looking pot or even a shallow oval pot. These bamboo fountains are very accommodating. Another good thing about these bamboo water fountains is that you don't have to hide the pot anymore by a plant, when you know you just bought that plant for the pot. And the only reason you kept the plant in the pot was because you had nothing else to put in the pot. With these bamboo water fountains you can show off that wonderful pot either inside or outside and even get compliments on them.

Bamboo outdoor fountains have an inimitable style which will fit any garden or lawn theme. It features will be perfect for those dreamy Zen gardens or for indoor spas. You can choose to have a special Japanese style, perfect for those who want an oriental feel. Depending on your container you can have an elegant fashion or with a simplistic theme.

Whatever your preference one can come up with a plan to match their garden decorative items or blend in with the yard decorations. This is a simple and inexpensive way to get those soothing sounds that water provides on a beautiful summer day.

Water is a wonderful addition to any garden. Water is truly the essence of life. Over 70 % of the human body is made of water. Over 60 % of the world is covered with water. Water is essential for all living things that we know. Is there any better way to accent water in a garden decorative setting than with a fountain? We think not. Attractive outdoor fountains can add so much character and karma to any space. Good luck with your garden this year and bring the rain!

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